Gwoup Documentation
Gwoup Pro Features
Learn more about Gwoup Pro features and benefits.
Gwoups Included
Each Gwoup Pro plan includes one (1) gwoup license. Once you upgrade your account with a Gwoup Pro plan, you can add more gwoup licenses as needed.
Unlimited Members*
While there are no maximum limits set on total members for a gwoup like most other services, there are rate limits in place to prevent abuse while maintaining a high level of performance for all gwoups.
If a lot of new members join a gwoup in a short period of time, Gwoup may temporarily throttle or disable new member joins until the join rate drops below the system rate limits.
While throttling rates are dynamic based on network activity, the rate limits are increased for higher tier Gwoup Pro plans.
Unlimited Pageviews*
While there are no maximum limits set on total pageviews for a gwoup like most other services, there are rate limits in place to prevent abuse while maintaining a high level of performance for all gwoups.
If a gwoup generates a lot of pageviews in a short period of time, Gwoup may temporarily throttle or disable your gwoup site until the pageview rate drops below the system rate limits.
While throttling rates are dynamic based on network activity, the rate limits are increased for higher tier Gwoup Pro plans.
Staff Members
There are four types of member access including Member, Moderator, Editor and Admin.
Members can be assigned to Moderator or Editor access by Admins and Admin access by the gwoup owner.
Moderators gain expanded access allowing them to review and delete posts and comments while also being able to suspend or ban members who violate the rules of the gwoup.
Editors have access to all moderator tools while also gaining access to edit any active posts and comments.
Admins have access to all moderator and editor tools while also gaining access to the admin sections of gwoups including configuration settings.
Admins also gain the ability to undelete posts and comments as well as the ability to approve new members and remove suspensions and bans from existing members.
Topics are used to group posts together by topic, subject or focus, which allows members to more easily identify and filter posts based on their interests.
Another common use for topics is for gwoups to separate announcements, policies and general information from member posted content.
Member access required to view and/or post within topics can be assigned separately in each topic.
The number of topics supported per gwoup varies depending on the active Gwoup Pro plan.
RSS Imports
Posts can be generated from other sites via RSS feeds using the RSS Import system. Most sites offer RSS feeds of their content which can be used to keep up with the latest news, information and media from a variety of sources.
The number of RSS feeds a gwoup can import varies depending on the active Gwoup Pro plan.
Active Posts
Active posts represent the maximum number of posts your gwoup can have at any time.
When your total posts exceeds your active post limit, the oldest posts will be purged to free up space.
The number of active posts allowed per gwoup varies depending on the active Gwoup Pro plan.