Gwoup Member Access Questions
Learn more about Gwoup member access and how it works.
What levels of access can members have?
Once a user joins a gwoup, they are assigned to the "Members" access level. Members can be promoted to Moderator or Editor access level by Admins. Members can be promoted to Admin access level by the gwoup owner.
What role do moderators have in gwoups?
Moderators gain the ability to review and delete posts and comments while also being able to suspend or ban members who violate the rules of the gwoup.
What role do editors have in gwoups?
Editors have access to all moderator tools while also gaining access to edit any active posts and comments.
What role do admins have in gwoups?
Admins have access to all moderator and editor tools while also gaining access to the admin sections of gwoups including configuration settings. Admins also gain the ability to undelete posts and comments as well the ability to approve new members and remove suspensions and bans from existing members.
Can new posts be limited based on member access?
Yes. Post access can be limited to Members, Moderators, Editors or Admins so only those members with the appropriate access can add new posts.
Can new comments be limited based on member access?
Yes. Post access can be limited to Members, Moderators, Editors or Admins so only those members with the appropriate access can add new comments.